All About Maintaining a Swimming Pool

» Posted by on Nov 13, 2019 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

If the component of your swimming pool and the water are not maintained and properly cared for, you and whoever else uses this pool are exposed to the series of dangerous risks and germs, particularly when talking about the quality of water of your pool. If you have previously installed a swimming pool in your residential property, have not been applying the proper level of maintenance to your present pool or simply are not up to date with health as well as safety procedures and practices, then take a moment in time to get some information by looking over these pointers. 

Possible Sources of Contamination 

Pets – Equally, residential pets will infect water with debris, fleas, bacteria and germs. 

Debris – It is basically one of the most usual water pollutants and unluckily, is very hard to control. 

People – We, the people just want to enjoy the swimming pools however, swim suits and bodies carry a group of microbes and bacteria which are one of the causes, if not the main reason of contamination. 

Sun Tanning Lotion – While necessary for safety and health, we should account for the contamination which happens from sun tanning lotions through thorough pool maintenance. 

Wildlife – Insects, birds or any other wildlife inhabiting the place that bring all types of foreign bacteria to your swimming pool which also acts as fuel for algae. 

Signs Which Your Swimming Pool Needs a Professional or DIY Service 

  • Has the pool water clarity changed overnight? 
  • Is the bottom of the swimming pool visible? 
  • Is there a murky or cloudy appearance? 
  • Are the walls of your pool slimy? 
  • Does the smell of your pool overly chlorinated? 
  • The Five Phases of Quality Maintenance of Pool Water 
  1. Filtration 

Using a pump, pool water is basically filtrated in order to get rid of the debris, grime and dust as possible, which depend on the chlorine amount present on the water as well as the size of your swimming pool. 

  1. Chlorination

Chlorine gets rid of the bacteria from your swimming pool which your system of filtration cannot reach. The requirement for the levels of chlorine actually depend on its possible factors, which include how long the cycle of the filter is, your swimming pool usage and also, the environment of the pool. 

  1. pH Levels

The neutral pH level of 7 is actually ideal. Any count greater than 7 simply means high alkalinity, while a pH level lesser than 7, on the other hand, indicates high acidity. PH levels that are not balanced happen from any number of alterations in your swimming pool and are what really cause sore eyes and rashes in swimmers. 

  1. Calcium Hardness

Otherwise known as the mineral calcium level dissolved in the pool water. This can cause scaly pool surfaces (high hardness) or deteriorate the surfaces of your pool (low calcium practice). 

Multiple means and treatments of protecting the safety and health standards of your pool are very important to decrease the risks such as injury, rashes and infections. To know more tips on how to clean your pool, contact pool cleaning Santa Rosa. 


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